About Us


Aims & Objectives

  • To import quality education in pursuit of excellence

  • To develop all round personality of the child
  • To inculcate patriotic, social and ethical values for becoming a worthy citizen
  • To achieve these aims, the society has established and running several schools
  • To channelise the inexhaustible energy of the youth in the right direction co-relating scholastic attainments with creativity, self sufficiency and full utilization of talents
  • The objective is to develop an all-round personality of the children so that when they leave the portals of the school, they find themselves physically fit, mentally alert, morally sound and emotionally well balanced. The product of this school is expected to be fully confident, forward looking a worthy citizen of the country. Whatever is useful and relevant in our ancient culture, is blended with modernity and is imbibed in the youth with innovations suited to the technological era.